Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tommy gets a life vest?

So, Tommy is almost 4 months old. We're going camping next weekend and the state park has two lakes, which means we're taking our kayaks. I've heard a lot about dachshunds not liking water at all but we can't leave Tommy on the banks or in the car or in the tent so we're taking him in our kayaks with us! I'm not sure how he is going to enjoy this little adventure being a puppy and being a dachshund but unfortunately he's not getting a choice. Hopefully, we will find a doggy life vest this week that will fit him and also hopefully he won't mind hanging out in the belly of a kayak for a few hours. Unless, he totally freaks out he shouldn't have to get wet at all. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tommy gets a life vest?

So, Tommy is almost 4 months old. We're going camping next weekend and the state park has two lakes, which means we're taking our kayaks. I've heard a lot about dachshunds not liking water at all but we can't leave Tommy on the banks or in the car or in the tent so we're taking him in our kayaks with us! I'm not sure how he is going to enjoy this little adventure being a puppy and being a dachshund but unfortunately he's not getting a choice. Hopefully, we will find a doggy life vest this week that will fit him and also hopefully he won't mind hanging out in the belly of a kayak for a few hours. Unless, he totally freaks out he shouldn't have to get wet at all. I'll let you know how it goes.

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